Thursday, July 22, 2010

The last supper

Okay, that may be a bit dramatic, but I'm about to do the unthinkable...give up wheat and dairy. TOMORROW

Trendy...yes, but possibly the answer to my  battle with eczema.
It feels more like a war! 

I've tried just about everything.  Gave up sweet smelling lotions for oatmeal and aloe, got rid of EVERY chemical  in the house, and even started making my own bath and cleaning products. Nothing seems to work.  Sure it gets better with steroid creams, but who wants to use those everyday for the rest of your like.  Not ME!

So here I am, about to give up two of my favorite things, bread and cheese.

I'm not an out-of-the-box kind of girl, never have been, and will not start now, so this is really going to be an experiment.  But, I am determined to become the boss of my skin, once and for all.

It may not work for me, but I am committing to 6 months with NO gluten, and NO dairy. 

This is not going to be pretty!


  1. Awesome! Hope it works for you :) Have you tried just eliminating dairy? That alone tends to have dramatic effects on skin!
    Either way, good luck! There are soooo many dairy/grain substitutes out there. Way more than when I first did it 20 years ago <3
